Gear and Processing
All images appearing on this page were captured using DSLRs manufactured by Nikon or Konica Minolta. My current primary body is a Nikon D500 with the MB-D17 battery grip which is most often mated with lenses with a focal length in excess of 300mm. I have access to lenses covering 18-600mm, and my D7100/MB-D15 combo serves as a very capable second body.
All images displayed are processed using Adobe Photoshop CS6 & Lightroom 6. Panoramic, High Dynamic Range (HDR) and other artistic effects are all performed using Photoshop's built in tools.
Following in the footsteps of my aviation mentors, helping the next generation and fellow photographers is something I enjoy! Feel free to contact me with any technical questions regarding gear or processing and I'll do my best to answer them.
All images on this site are ©Mark Kolanowski. Any unauthorized use or duplication will be subject to legal action under Title 17 of the United States Code and under the Byrne Convention. Reproduction, storage or transmittal by any means, of any image on this website, whole or in part, is prohibited without expressed written permission. If you wish to publish or reproduce the materials in any physical or digital form or use them for any commercial purposes, including display or Web page use, you must obtain written permission from Mark Kolanowski.