The aviation album displays a variety of images involving aircraft of all shapes and sizes. The photos contained within range from airliner photos taken during spotting trips at major international airports, to general aviation photos from local airports, and even air to air captures. Aviation is a passion of mine, and it is fitting that it was among the first ventures I made into photography and remains the most common subject of my images to this day.
By applying the technical knowledge of shooting fast moving subjects from my aviation photography, I have been able to expand my portfoilo into the world of sports images. My time at the University of Michigan provided me with numerous opportunities to shoot high level athletic competitions from angles and locations I never thought possible including multiple games on the field at Michigan Stadium.
Growing up on and around the Great Lakes has provided me with countless opportunities to photograph vessels ranging in size from small inflatable dinghys to 1,000 foot freighters, often within minutes of each other. My passion for the lakes and vessels drove me to pursue a career as a Naval Architect and Marine Engineer, which will provide me with access to new floating subjects for years to come.
This gallery contains images through the years of a personal side project that attempt to capture LEGO Minifigures in unique locations and situations both in mundane day to day happenings as well as more grandiose and well known travel destinations. From the Magic Kingdom to the bridge of the largest ship on the Great Lakes, enjoy the travels of the Minifigures in "The LEGO Project" Gallery!
Each and every air show or air race I'm fortunate enough to attend provides an incredible opportunity to photograph aircraft performing amazing maneuvers up close. These photos encompass flying machines from single engine aerobatic machines to sophisticated combat aircraft and some of the largest transport aircraft in the world. Airshows also provide the opportunity to spend time with like minded photographers and aviators who make each and every weekend with the airshow family an unforgettable experience.
During large events attendees often only tend to see the primary focus of the event, with the bulk of the work or effort going on unnoticed behind closed doors. When photographing events such as races or sports I have made it a point to capture images of the people who put in the long hours before and after the events to make it all possible. This often means arriving early and leaving late, but at the end of the day these images are often some of the most powerful from any shoot.
No matter where I find myself in this world, my camera is rarely far behind. Being fortunate enough to explore North America and the Caribbean while growing up gave me the chance to see many famous destinations through the lens, giving me a chance to experience things in a different light. A recent trip to London has helped me expand my portfolio, and has provided further inspiration to expand my horizons.
As a natural extension of my passion for machinery of all shapes and sizes, I have maintained a high level of interest in the people and equipment that is pushed to its limit in a racing environment. From the dynamic Red Bull Air Races to the fastest boats in the world, the racing community has provided me with an opportunity to hone my skills and expand my action shooting experience.
Often a photographer finds themself in a location where even their widest lens is incapable of capturing the whole scene. The images contained in this album display some of my best panoramic and stacked panoramic images, some of which are made up of over 50 individual pictures from the camera. Some of the full resolution versions of this page's images would easily cover a wall if one was to use a large enough printer.
The introduction of digital photography gear and software to my world allowed me the chance to begin to dabble in high dynamic range and low light photography. The images contained in this gallery range in effect from real to surreal, and are made up of multiple images stacked to provide color depth and dynamic range far above and beyond what is possible in single exposure images. Other images take advantage of raw processing to show off night scenes.